Hi, It would be really nice if you could help me with this:
my pli image was unstable and then I accidentally flashed my clone dm800 with latest original image, then I see the following:
Deam Multimedia -->error! look at *ERR01: NO CA FOUND
Also both yellow and green lights of Ethernet are on even though nothing is connected to it.
prior to all of this I had flashed sim201 team84b last year without any problem.
now the problem is when I use NCF repair tool V3 or Optiflash, it says DM800HD detected, but then "sending flash loader..." doesn't progress. I tried so many times and no luck. I am using RS cable and port com2, just the same way it had worked last year. I am very disappointed now, and obviously I am not an expert, so please help me with this!!!
my pli image was unstable and then I accidentally flashed my clone dm800 with latest original image, then I see the following:
Deam Multimedia -->error! look at *ERR01: NO CA FOUND
Also both yellow and green lights of Ethernet are on even though nothing is connected to it.
prior to all of this I had flashed sim201 team84b last year without any problem.
now the problem is when I use NCF repair tool V3 or Optiflash, it says DM800HD detected, but then "sending flash loader..." doesn't progress. I tried so many times and no luck. I am using RS cable and port com2, just the same way it had worked last year. I am very disappointed now, and obviously I am not an expert, so please help me with this!!!