Hello Mr Yassinov. For a month, I do not manage to put my dreambox DM 800 HD PVR clone on the march for "MULTIMEDIA ERROR". I tried all the DREAMUP. It is my long search that I fell NCF-SIM2-v2.5 and the series of DreamBox-OptiFlasher-E2. I had a relief when I installed OptiFlasher-Pro-E2-V1.0.9b. After the repair " ERROR ", the installation of BootLoader, I installed Sat4Fun-VTI_MOD-SIM2_SSL84a.nfi (after almost one hour waiting). After the installation when I disconnect the device of the socket to connect it to the television set, it is always MULTIMEDIA ERROR who returns. I have repeat about ten times the same things. I am really tired. Help me please. That is what it show after the installation of the image:
DM800HD Detected !
Dreambox Detected...Ok!
Sending Flash Loader...
Second Stage OK!
Boot Success & Ready For Job Process!
Name: Sat4fun-VTI_MOD-SIM2_SSL84a.nfi
FSize: 52378720 bytes
Authorization id: 1A86A1E2
Flashing IMAGE Phase1...
Finalizing Job Phase2...Please Wait...
Dreambox Flashed Successfully !
DM800HD Detected !
Dreambox Detected...Ok!
Sending Flash Loader...
Second Stage OK!
Boot Success & Ready For Job Process!
Name: Sat4fun-VTI_MOD-SIM2_SSL84a.nfi
FSize: 52378720 bytes
Authorization id: 1A86A1E2
Flashing IMAGE Phase1...
Finalizing Job Phase2...Please Wait...
Dreambox Flashed Successfully !