02-21-2014, 05:29 PM
Don't change any things in skin folder, because you will get crash skin...As i said before change on skin.xml only by using e2skinner2 tools as photo shown followed ....
1-Click on image widget you want delete ... then delete it
2-Clcik on info widget and delete it...
3-then save it
4-Finally take skin.xml file and send it to box to skin folder
P.s: old file for skin.xml make it backup skin.xml-backup, maybe you get some error then you can replace it again..
1-Click on image widget you want delete ... then delete it
2-Clcik on info widget and delete it...
3-then save it
4-Finally take skin.xml file and send it to box to skin folder
P.s: old file for skin.xml make it backup skin.xml-backup, maybe you get some error then you can replace it again..