Hi again, with FerrariFiller v1.3.3.7 I have desmarked lan connection, only null modem, and I have click in bad recovery sectors, but button flash is not active when crossbar is finished and "ERROR1 CA NOT FOUND" in display...
Log here:
11:18:19 box type: DM8000
11:18:19 Enabled recovery of bad sectors
Same operation wihout Enabled recovery of bad sectors, only flash!
Log here:
11:22:41 box type: DM8000
Same problem, crossbar is finished, but flash command button is disable and box show me "ERROR1: NO CA FOUND"...
It's posible that with hyperterminal I can reconstruct flash or second stage for box contains a valid stage.¿?
Thanks you again.
Log here:
11:18:19 box type: DM8000
11:18:19 Enabled recovery of bad sectors
Same operation wihout Enabled recovery of bad sectors, only flash!
Log here:
11:22:41 box type: DM8000
Same problem, crossbar is finished, but flash command button is disable and box show me "ERROR1: NO CA FOUND"...
It's posible that with hyperterminal I can reconstruct flash or second stage for box contains a valid stage.¿?
Thanks you again.