Definitely you will get "erro1 no ca found" because you put different sim with different image ...
If you want change sim must be do this steps:
1-put old sim (sim2.01)
2-Flash new image for new sim "If new sim is Ferrari shoud be flash Ferrari image"
3-Now change old sim (sim2.01) to new one (Ferrari)
4-Finally turn box on...
And as i told you...Try to fix your box by another pc and cable..
If you want change sim must be do this steps:
1-put old sim (sim2.01)
2-Flash new image for new sim "If new sim is Ferrari shoud be flash Ferrari image"
3-Now change old sim (sim2.01) to new one (Ferrari)
4-Finally turn box on...
And as i told you...Try to fix your box by another pc and cable..