12-17-2012, 10:12 PM
Try to flash bootloader for Ferrari sim SSl87F by using optiflasher and Fix Bad Sector "Sectors Recovery" method
Then turn off and on power ...
If box booting it is ok try to flash any ferrari image for DM8000 by using optiflasher and "Flashing by Network lan only" method
If box not boot try to flash ferrari image by using optiflasher and Fix Bad Sector "Sectors Recovery" method.. it will take around one hour..
Then turn off and on power ...
If box booting it is ok try to flash any ferrari image for DM8000 by using optiflasher and "Flashing by Network lan only" method
If box not boot try to flash ferrari image by using optiflasher and Fix Bad Sector "Sectors Recovery" method.. it will take around one hour..