2 week trying to solve end save my Dm800 HD PVR , today is my lucky day. I found out that I have E-STAR SIM V3.0 in my box.
flashed the bootloader with ( estar_secondstage_dm800_84 ) then
flashed the Image ( newnigma2-relaese-dm800-v3.3.2.estarV3-sim)
finished en my Box is Alive again. I love this place end thanks to all of you end great THANKS to Administrators.
flashed the bootloader with ( estar_secondstage_dm800_84 ) then
flashed the Image ( newnigma2-relaese-dm800-v3.3.2.estarV3-sim)
finished en my Box is Alive again. I love this place end thanks to all of you end great THANKS to Administrators.