Thank you fairbird for your assistance. But my problem is not yet solved. I am tired of trying to install an image in o.e2. I would like to return to my old image in ssl84b. Here also, there is a problem. I flashed ssl84b without difficulty. But, when I want to flasher an image the dm does not install it. When I restart it reads on the dreambox: sim201 team #84B,
[Only registered and activated users can see links You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.], dhcp... and thats all. On the TV screen it displays a first picture of the image and stops there. I picked up more than 10 times. It is the same thing that comes back. I work with "Dreambox-optiFlasher Pro-E2-V.2006. I am sure my sim is good. When I change the sim, it show the same picture in TV.
Thanks in advance.