I cannot figure out by the topic you suggest. I've got the following:
DM800HD Detected !
Dreambox Detected...Ok!
Sending Flash Loader... [NO_CA_FOUND]
Second Stage OK!
Boot Success & Ready For Job Process!
Name: secondstage-dm800-84.nfi
FSize: 149488 bytes
Flashing BootLoader Phase1...
Finalizing Job Phase2...Please Wait... [booting...]
It's not finishing the job just "please wait" and wait thats it...
The result is "Dream mutimeida-> Error"
Tried to flash image after reconnect power with the same result. What also could I try? Maybe hyper terminal log may help to figure out?
hterm log
© 2007,2008 Dream Multimedia GmbH. All rights reserved.
Dreambox DM800
Second stage loader wasn't found. Don't panic - it's not a (real) problem.
You don't need to repair your Dreambox. It just means that the flashrom with
the graphical menu was erased. You can restore this with a tool like DreamUp
with serial access.
MICRO2ND OK, build #56 (20080115)