01-27-2013, 01:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2013, 01:43 PM by albert.shepherd.)
I am here again withe same problem
Dreambox 800HD PVR
BL #84a
Problem --No CA error and both LED's lit on LAN connection
I had a success some months ago but the same method using Dreamup this time has failed.
I have never been successful in connecting with Optiflasher nor NCF Sim repairer.
The problems all seem to surround the inability to connect.
With is in mind is it posible for you to answer the specific questions I would like to ask.
1.------I have now got two reg keys for OptiFlasher but it is not clear how to use them. If I paste them in I get a message back saying key length does not match when I press the donate box. What is the method of entry version 1.08
Version 1.09 always give me a message back say "not registered. I am using Advance 2 mode. I cannot get into LD2 mode only works in LD1
2.------ This applies to all methods , Dreamup, NCF Sim and Optiflasher-----what is the pin configuration for the 9 pin Null Modem cable. I have tried all sorts of configuration, partial, loopback, full, simple etc. but no method seem to allow any connection using any of the three softwares metioned.
3.-------Should Com port 1 be set to any other settings besides the default settings.
4.--------Would you recommend the right O.S to use . I have tried Win 7, XP and Win 8.
Reading on the forum it appears that the inability to connect is the major issue hence that is why I am asking the specific question with regards to the configuration of the Com Port and Null Modem 9 pin connecton.
Many thanks
I am here again withe same problem
Dreambox 800HD PVR
BL #84a
Problem --No CA error and both LED's lit on LAN connection
I had a success some months ago but the same method using Dreamup this time has failed.
I have never been successful in connecting with Optiflasher nor NCF Sim repairer.
The problems all seem to surround the inability to connect.
With is in mind is it posible for you to answer the specific questions I would like to ask.
1.------I have now got two reg keys for OptiFlasher but it is not clear how to use them. If I paste them in I get a message back saying key length does not match when I press the donate box. What is the method of entry version 1.08
Version 1.09 always give me a message back say "not registered. I am using Advance 2 mode. I cannot get into LD2 mode only works in LD1
2.------ This applies to all methods , Dreamup, NCF Sim and Optiflasher-----what is the pin configuration for the 9 pin Null Modem cable. I have tried all sorts of configuration, partial, loopback, full, simple etc. but no method seem to allow any connection using any of the three softwares metioned.
3.-------Should Com port 1 be set to any other settings besides the default settings.
4.--------Would you recommend the right O.S to use . I have tried Win 7, XP and Win 8.
Reading on the forum it appears that the inability to connect is the major issue hence that is why I am asking the specific question with regards to the configuration of the Com Port and Null Modem 9 pin connecton.
Many thanks