Dreambox NCF Repair Tool SIM2 Edition v2.0 By YASSINOV
Power ON DB Device [ESC to Abort]
Operation Start at: 11:54:35
DM800HD Detected !
Dreambox Detected...Ok!
Sending Flash Loader...
Second Stage OK!
Boot Success & Ready For Job Process!
Authorization id: 9C80AE08
Starting Repair [NO CA FOUND] Injecting Phase1...
Finalizing Job Phase2...Please Wait...
NO CA FOUND Repaired Successfully !
Operation Done at: 11:55:58
But when I rebooted my DB again,
New message on the display of my DB:
SIM201 team # 84B error,
error 01: NO CA FOUND
Please help me
Thank you
Power ON DB Device [ESC to Abort]
Operation Start at: 11:54:35
DM800HD Detected !
Dreambox Detected...Ok!
Sending Flash Loader...
Second Stage OK!
Boot Success & Ready For Job Process!
Authorization id: 9C80AE08
Starting Repair [NO CA FOUND] Injecting Phase1...
Finalizing Job Phase2...Please Wait...
NO CA FOUND Repaired Successfully !
Operation Done at: 11:55:58
But when I rebooted my DB again,
New message on the display of my DB:
SIM201 team # 84B error,
error 01: NO CA FOUND
Please help me
Thank you