05-24-2012, 12:56 AM
dear friend fairbird have dreambox 800hd clone pvr she does not want to communicate more when using null cable with NCF, NCF-v2.1-SIM2, SIM2-NCF-v2.5, DreamBox OptiFlasher-Pro-v1.0.5-E2- , SIM2-v2.1-NCF, NCF, DreamBox-OptiFlasher-Pro-E2-v1.0.6,DreamBox-OptiFlasher-Pro-E2-v1.0.7,dreambox-optiflasher-pro-e2-v1.0.8 ,NCF-SIM2-v2.1 ,NCF ,DreamUP_patched_by_forhike_and_natas dreamup and to debug all these when I connect dreambox 800hd she does not communicate it goes straight to an error in ca found already used it with null cable and cable network or both together null cable and network cable and is the same geito she communicates not only appears on the dreambox hd error in ca found there the same friends already put another card but not communicate and she gets the same error in ca geito not found or the time and already enters this screen'm already more than thirty days to try and still nothing appears on the ip dreambox hd aimage that it tava pli open ssl 2.01 and 82 card but put up a dream elite ssl 2.01 and 82 card but when you restart the dreambox has found in ca
htpe7 friend used the Hyper Terminal as the link and was not connected so that nothing showed on the screen of the pc dreambox 800hd has no communication and not only start an error appears in ca found when you connect to dreambox 800hd clone it goes straight to this screen
dreambox if it does at least show the ip oh yes flashing in her
htpe7 friend used the Hyper Terminal as the link and was not connected so that nothing showed on the screen of the pc dreambox 800hd has no communication and not only start an error appears in ca found when you connect to dreambox 800hd clone it goes straight to this screen
dreambox if it does at least show the ip oh yes flashing in her