I have the following Problem, I have get an dreambox DM800HD PVR
(estar sim v3 ) I do not know if it is a original or a clone..
It works for good until it was told me, to make an update, after the
update the following was written to the display.
-Dream Mulitmedia error err01:no ca found.Look at .
The problem now is, I am not able to get an ip address form the Box,
it is impossible. I have an cable Usb to rs232 port cable pluged in and the crosscable to the internet Network(Router)
Everytime I start the box immediatley it shows the above error.
I can not push on off- till stop and the IP adress is shown
I have now tried to connect with dream up/dreamboxcontrolcenter/jaspher dream up and so on but no one of them finds the box/box ip.
On my router also the box is not there, and if i search the Ip address with dreambox controlcenter also it is not possible to find out the ip adress to flash over ie.
Can me somebody help me.
I know that the box when it was ok has a point in the settings which was called ferrari......
I see many tutorial with dream up but all which has this problem were able to get the ip address after run dream up of the box to connect.
If I connect dream up it only say please plug in but it is on and nothing is happend. If I use the flash button it always say file to big.
Please please please help me with a good tutorial for noobs.
(tutorial and images and software links.
I do not know, what shall i further do?
Thanks to all.
Please i need your help.
Best regards
Sorry I have forgotten : I have Windows 10