I'll try and keep this short.
I have a DM800 HD SE A8P (Clone) I've been flashing various images into the box over the last week or so without any problems.
I then found that images that I had previously flashed into the box no problem were coming up with the "INVALID" (Or Old Version) message.
I looked at the device information tab on the web interface and noticed that the bootloader version had gone down to an earlier version originally it was version 84
I can't remember the number of the earlier version to which it had changed but after a little homework I thougth that this must be the problem.
I then tried to flash the version 84 bootloader into the box and ended up with the dreaded "R01 NO CA FOUND" message on the front display.
After some messing around I have managed to communicate with the box using Dreamup.
I can get Dreamup to the point were it says "BOX IS NETWORKED IN HTTP MODE" but if I attempt to flash an imagine into the box it just goes to "Calculating Checksum" and stays there.
Please someone tell me that I can recover this box and that I haven't turned it into a doorstop.
Any help and advice would really be very much appreciated.
Thank you and regards, The Soulman.