Bootlader version dreambox second stage loader BUILD #59 built 20080509
But only in webinterface.
Sticker says model: DM800 HD. Also another sticker with DREAM on it.
No inside sticker. Sticker is removed by previous owner. Don't know what sim.
I see DM800 rev 2
s94v-0 11 08
The problem:
Error No CA FOUND.
Tried solutions:
Dreamup I get box connected DM800. With nullmodem (serial cable)
After this, he uploads bootloader than it stops at waiting for acknowledgment.
The flash button doesn’t show.
Than I tried NCF-SIM2-v3.0 to unlock. This works until the actuall image and than it doesn’t go further. Tells me no network.
But after this i get internal ip and i can use the webinterface. which shows bootlader 59.
I tried to upload bootloader (in webinterface) secondstage-dm800-84.nfi This gives me more progress on a windows xp machine using explorer.
Chrome doesn’t work. I get the 100% bar but the button to reboot i don’t get. After this it’s still the same but now i have.
This is the ??? bootloader interface.
Used files:
OpenPLi-2.1-beta-dm800-20140510.nfi (when i use this it says CRC skipped or older file)
dm800-3.2.4.nfi (when i use this it says CRC skipped or older file)
During webinterface. So these file didn't upload.
After reboot. Webinterface doesn't work anymore.
Than i Started to use optiflasher pro. Tried all sim's. Flashed all. But after reboot NO CA FOUND is back.
Now the strangest thing.
Putty. I connect thru serial 115200 on com 26.
After connection i type dreambox without seeing anything and it starts doing some things.
Box WORKS. But after power disconnection. NO CA FOUND.
So each time with putty i can boot the box. But it seems it doesn't stick.
Is there some battery in these boxes to hold some data or do I need to give another command in putty to save it somewhere. Because this dreambox command was just lucky.
Here is the outcome of putty on the first DM800 sim. NOT the 84. Still putty says i have 84.
Dreambox DM800
FIRST STAGE 1.00 {BO23456}
2ND STAGE OK, build #84 (2011-09-02)
0.000 - BCM board setup
0.007 - fp init
0.008 - ca init
cannot read cert(2)
cannot read cert(2)
cannot read cert(2)
cannot read cert(2)
cannot read cert(2)
CA invalid
OLED found!
lcd: * ERR01: NO CA FOUND
26.090 - load config
26.118 - config loaded.
* press [S] to enter setup
OLED found!
lcd: BOOT #84
- read config file: /boot/secondstage.conf
detected old jffs2 sig.. disable hw ecc
detected jffs2 blocksize: 16kb
dreamupd initialized
Scanning JFFS2 FS: . done.
find_inode failed for name=secondstage.conf
load: Failed to find inode
- failed to open /boot/secondstage.conf
- failed to open /cf/autorun.bat
lcd: /flash/bootlogo.elf
bootlogo size: 35911
*** BCHP: Invalid RTS setting detected. Forcing MEMC_0_CLIENT_INFO_7 (AVD_CAB_0) RR to true. Please see latest 7401 RTS documentation.
no HDMI device detected
no HDMI mode available, reverting to 720p
using 1280x720p (60.00 Hz)
create surface 1280 720
Using the Small jpeg decoder library, Copyright (c) 2006, Luc Saillard <luc@saillard.org>
parsing JPEG header..
Virtual FB Size: 1280x720
lcd: /flash/vmlinux.gz
<5>Linux version 2.6.18-7.4-dm800 (newnigma2@vs35) (gcc version 4.4.3 (GCC) ) #1 Mon May 2 10:40:55 UTC 2011
Fetching vars from bootloader... none present, using defaults.
board_init_once: regval=44ac6502, ddr_strap=3, 4 chips, pci_size=2
Detected 256 MB on board
<4>WARNING: read invalid MAC address ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff from flash @ 0xbffff824
Default command line =
root=/dev/mtdblock3 rootfstype=jffs2 rw console=null
1 831ffebc 83029b34
Options: sata=1 enet=1 emac_1=0 no_mdio=0 docsis=0 ebi_war=0 pci=1 smp=0
CPU revision is: 00020000
Determined physical RAM map:
memory: 10000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
---> memsize from bootloader: 148
User-defined physical RAM map:
node [00000000, 09400000: RAM]
node [09400000, 06c00000: RSVD]
<5>Reserving 108 MB upper memory starting at 09400000
<7>On node 0 totalpages: 65536
<7> DMA zone: 65536 pages, LIFO batch:15
Built 1 zonelists. Total pages: 65536
<5>Kernel command line: root=/dev/mtdblock3 rootfstype=jffs2 rw console=null
before init RAC 0x02a00000 0x00000000
after init RAC 0x02a0000f 0x0fff0000
I have a picture from the inside of the box. But couldn't upload it.