AS you may possibly be aware of my problem with my Dm 800 Hd SE/Sr4 sunray with installed TSimage 3.0 OE 2.0 Enigma2-Tarball,sim2 ssl84D. After getting conflicting requests on how to mount HDD & USB and e-parted/ etc., I may have damaged that image with uncorrectable errors.
Would you please let me know whether I do have to ""repair "" before
flashing a recent version of Ts image 3.0 (early last week)by ramimaher( enigma2 -OE 2.0).
As I am inexperienced, I do not think I will NOT be able to do it, I do not have confidence in myself.
Would you please let me know whether it would be possible to have a
remote access method of repairing the box prior to flashing the new image. Secondly- to mount the HDD and USB properly to work in
perfect harmony with TS media + iptv (initialization, configuration etc)
When you have some spare time please give my request your consideration and please let me a response.
Best Wishes,
yours respectfully.
(07-05-2014, 12:35 AM)fairbird Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Send plugin to > /tmp
And in telnet give this command
opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk