No Ca Found Sunraybox DM 800SE v 2 88 - bertilsigurd1 - 09-23-2016
I tried to upgrade my OpenATV image but failed and got the "R01 No Ca found" lcd message on the box. After trying several tools I downloaded the Dreambox Optiflasher pro Ultimate
After several failures and after lowering the blocking antivirus and firewall programs and still failing, Yassinov intervened and installed a new bootlaoder bring the box back to live again. Excellent service and deep competence in these strange boxes.
Now I am trying to flash a new good image for IPTV use and was adviced to use Optiflasher for this and not the usual browser.
I have some problems with this, trying in normal mode and write image. Here should the downloaded and suited images appear, but nothing happens.
I see from the videoas that I need to get optiflasher into tv-mode, how? Optiflasher manager is not lighted.
Advice welcome!