Max HD dm800 hd pvr clone - NO CA FOUND - epernoli - 06-22-2014
[attachment=682] Hello to all forum, my name is enrico. I read your forum and it's great. Very compliment for all work and support. I have a dm800hd pvr max hd and send for error a second stage wrong. After, I try with serial cable null modem and dream up, but no solve it. I m not sure of version of sim. I find on internet same image of sim. I tried with optiflasher, and says me all ok message, and when finish says Ok repair no ca found, but when restart dm800 i receive same message. err01 no: no ca found. I try all, and now i'm crazy. Please help me. Thanks for all, enrico
RE: Max HD dm800 hd pvr clone - NO CA FOUND - epernoli - 06-22-2014
thanks for you answer. I try use DreamBox-OptiFlasher-Pro-E2-v2.0.0.6. The really problem is that i don't now, what is the sim and image to sould. Can help me?
RE: Max HD dm800 hd pvr clone - NO CA FOUND - epernoli - 06-22-2014
Thank a lot, I make all you says, but when restart dreambox, i have alays err01 no ca found
This is the image: [attachment=683]
Than you so much
RE: Max HD dm800 hd pvr clone - NO CA FOUND - fairbird - 06-22-2014
Make sure what kind of sim you have? Then you can can flash correct SSlxx
RE: Max HD dm800 hd pvr clone - NO CA FOUND - epernoli - 06-22-2014
Hello, the sim I have is identical to the one I posted. however I have tried all. thank you, I don't know how solve the problem. If I try to send firmware on advanced mode 2, only serial i think, and i disconnect dm800, when start dm800 on display i see.... booting.....and on display see channell, if restart decoder, same problem
RE: Max HD dm800 hd pvr clone - NO CA FOUND - fairbird - 06-22-2014
Follow this it exactly what I have wrote in it..
follow (Repair [No Ca Found]) steps
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And you can find ferrari sim images from image section or from ferrari official forum
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P.s: to fix No Ca Found use only null cable Rs232 without network cable