Cant Flash Newnigma 4 Images - tfaScream - 04-26-2014
I have a problem flashing new Newnigma 4 Images.
Until today I got a Newnigma 332 SIM 2.1 SSL84b image on my HD800 SE Clone. I tried to flash NN2-OE2.0-eB-DM800se-SIM2 using the Recovery Website of my 800se. It stucks at about 10 Percent. After that it was not possible to use the Website to flash another image (alwas stucks at 4-10 percent), also the old 3.3.2 Image.
Solution was to use Flashup or Optiflasher and restore an old Image. Trying to restore a current Image like NN2-OE2.0-eB-DM800se-SIM2 was not possible.
Optiflasher reports a wrong architecture, but it seems to be the right one.
RE: Cant Flash Newnigma 4 Images - fairbird - 04-26-2014
Your box have Bad sectors ...
So must be flash new image by using recovered bad sectors follow this link and do (Fix Bad Sector "Sectors Recovery")
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P.s:Must be to connected mini usb cable and lan cable to gather from pc to dreambox ...
RE: Cant Flash Newnigma 4 Images - tfaScream - 04-27-2014
Hi fairbird,
already tried it with the following result:
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RE: Cant Flash Newnigma 4 Images - fairbird - 04-27-2014
Don't flash new image ...Try first flash old image with ssl84a or b then if box fixed try to flash new SSL84D by browser and close box then flash new image by browser...
RE: Cant Flash Newnigma 4 Images - tfaScream - 04-27-2014
Hi fairbird,
flashed back the old image with 84b (repair bad sector) and everything works great. no problem at all. After that booted into flash mode and flashed 84d bootloader, closed browser and directly reconnected to flash mode url and tried to flash "OpenPLi 4.0 OE 2.0 DM800SE sim2 #ssl84d by maumixio". same "error", just stuck at 6%.
Will retry to flash back the 84b image and after that directly the new image using the flash website.
I think theres something wrong with this box
EDIT: flashed 84b image once more and booted it up (no problem), after that booted to flash website and directly tried a new image,.... stuck on 9%
Any other idea?
RE: Cant Flash Newnigma 4 Images - fairbird - 04-30-2014
If you want to flash new image OE2.0, Must be flash SSl84D not SSL84B ...
SSl84B supported only OE1.6
SSl84D supported OE2.0 and OE1.6
1-Flash SSl84D
2-Closed Box
3-Flash New image OE2.0 as like as openpli3.0 or 4.0
RE: Cant Flash Newnigma 4 Images - tfaScream - 05-01-2014
Hi Faibird,
something was wrong with my old box. Even after a bad sector repair it wasnt possible to flash a new 84d image. It was only possible to flash a image when a working 84b image was on it. It always hang while flashing a new image containing a 84d bootloader. Got a new Box and it works. Thank you for your support
RE: Cant Flash Newnigma 4 Images - spider2 - 08-01-2017
I have the same problem now. I can't flash new image on my 800SE box, because stuck on about 40%. I received the old image with SSL84A and that I can upload with optiflasher and working.
But if I try newer SSL84D OpenPli image the optiflaser say this: wrong architecture (the image is good, because I can upload it another 800SE box) What can I do with this? Or can you suggest me a newer image wich is maybe working? Maybe the image size is to big and the flash chip is bad somewhere? Can I fix this with software? Please Help me!
RE: Cant Flash Newnigma 4 Images - fairbird - 08-04-2017
Please make new topic don't follow this one and read this first ..
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