DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2 NO CA FOUND (Clone) - shaolin5244 - 04-15-2014
I got a clone of the DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2.
After installing the image "newnigma2-stable-maigre-dm800seV2-v4.0.8-ramiMAHER # ssl88a", I had this message "R10 No CA Found" and second stage failed.
What's wrong and what should I do?
Thank you
RE: DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2 NO CA FOUND (Clone) - fairbird - 04-15-2014
Are you sure your box is DM800se V2?
If yes then flash new patched image again (make sure for DM800se V2 with SSl88a) by using dreamup last version download it from here
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Should be you have mini usb+lan cable working together
RE: DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2 NO CA FOUND (Clone) - shaolin5244 - 04-16-2014
Thanks for your answer.
Yes, it's a dreambox sunray v2.
Yes i tried with the latest version of DreamUp but I can't click on the "flash" button.
Where is situated the ssl88a, in the processor or in the simcard (2.2)?
RE: DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2 NO CA FOUND (Clone) - fairbird - 04-16-2014
SSlxx flashed to sim (Gate for security)
RE: DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2 NO CA FOUND (Clone) - shaolin5244 - 04-18-2014
I have been able to have access to the "flash button" on http mode.
I tried to flash the image in the box but I got this message:
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What's wrong? Is the box or the simcard broken?
Would it work with a new simcard or do I have to buy a new box?
Is it possible to reflash the simcard abroad the box? If yes, can you tell me with which program I can do it?
RE: DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2 NO CA FOUND (Clone) - fairbird - 04-18-2014
It is very Easy ...You have bad sectors on your box...Just fix it by dreamup...
1-Open Dreamup
2-click to Extras > Recover bad sectors
3-remove tick from use network option (If doesn't work) return tick to option
4-Now click to connect and turn power on then flash new image with ssl88a (it will be take around one hour to complete flash image to box) don't turn power off until finish or you eill get another bad sectors ...
RE: DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2 NO CA FOUND (Clone) - shaolin5244 - 04-19-2014
Thank you for your quick answers.
I tried it on 3 different computers but it still doesn't work. So, can I resolve the problem by buying a new simcard?
RE: DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2 NO CA FOUND (Clone) - fairbird - 04-19-2014
No ...problem not from sim from box inside flash ... must be flash new image with recover bad sectors... See in back of box do you see small button (click it if there is)
see this video
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RE: DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2 NO CA FOUND (Clone) - shaolin5244 - 04-20-2014
I already tried several times this method but the result is always the same with a error message. Look at the pictures below:
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I used these images: newnigma2_stable_dm800sev2_v4.0.9-sim2-ssl88a .nfi, OoZooN-dm800sev2-3-23-ramiMAHER-.nfi.
Are these good images or I have to use another one?
RE: DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2 NO CA FOUND (Clone) - fairbird - 04-20-2014
If you search and read in forum you will find this topic ...
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