ESTAR V3.0 DM800HD images - Abdelh - 03-07-2014
Are there any images here for the 800HD ? all i can see is the 'se' version..
I want to put the openpli 3.0 on my 800HD is it possible ?
RE: ESTAR V3.0 DM800HD images - fairbird - 03-07-2014
No....There are no supported for DM800 Estar sim to OE2.0....Only OE1.6
RE: ESTAR V3.0 DM800HD images - Abdelh - 03-07-2014
Where can i see what OE i have ?
I have DM800HD, ESTAR sim V3.0 #82
RE: ESTAR V3.0 DM800HD images - fairbird - 03-08-2014
Your box is DM800 and sim is E-Stra so only you can flash OE1.6 image ...
Here forum for you box you can read about it and supported also >>>
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