NO CA Found - I have tried everything - alekbeck - 09-17-2013
My DM800 HD is showing No CA Found in the display. I have tried Dreamup, No CA Found Repair tool and Optiflasher without any luck. What am I missing ?
My history:
Its a Dm800 HD Clone, came with sim2.01, ssl#76 according to the papers. This was also the information I found when in flashmode - webinterface
The box was stuck in "booting" after restart. Nothing happened. I descided to re-flash it. I used PeterPan v2.3 - Sim201 SSl#76d. After it was finished I restarted the dreambox and got the "NO CA FOUND" message.
I am using a nullmodem cable, and have tried installing the same image AND sim201-bl76c-gemini2-510-dm800. Both times DreamUp says "sucsessfull" but after restart still NO CA FOUND.
I have tried NO CA FOUND repair tool and OptiFlasher - followed instructions. They both says "sucsessfull" but after restart I still get NO CA FOUND. What am I missing ?
I have tried to remove the simcard, but without luck. The simcardholder is stuck in locked position. The simcard seems to be in correct position
RE: NO CA Found - I have tried everything - fairbird - 09-17-2013
Make sure, What kind of sim you have? This is important ....
Open box and see it then conform it to us...
RE: NO CA Found - I have tried everything - alekbeck - 09-18-2013
Where inside by box can I see my sim ? is it printed on the simcard ?
RE: NO CA Found - I have tried everything - Tage - 09-18-2013
(09-18-2013, 07:25 AM)alekbeck Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Where inside by box can I see my sim ? is it printed on the simcard ?
Try with Gemini 5.1 and ssl76d (or some other image with low ssl). Run ssl first, then image and finally ssl again.
Good luck
RE: NO CA Found - I have tried everything - alekbeck - 09-18-2013
What do you mean by saying "run ssl first, then image then ssl again"? Ssl is the bootloader, correct? Isnt the ssl included in the gemini image, when the filename is gemini5.1 sim 2.01 ssl#76. ?
Could you give me some more detalis on how to preform this operation?
RE: NO CA Found - I have tried everything - fairbird - 09-18-2013
open your box...then you will see small card as like as sell phone sim card ...
RE: NO CA Found - I have tried everything - alekbeck - 09-18-2013
(09-18-2013, 05:56 PM)fairbird Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to your box...then you will see small card as like as sell phone sim card ...
the simcard isn't marked with any letters/numbers...
RE: NO CA Found - I have tried everything - fairbird - 09-19-2013
Put here two photos from both sides to sim ... I will see it and conform to you ... ;)
RE: NO CA Found - I have tried everything - kadero72 - 09-21-2013
I have a A2P sim which convert to ferrari sim. i used an imgage for 2.01 sim with bootloader 84b. I always this message when i put on my dream: error, no ca found. i used all Tools (optiflasher, ncf repair tool, ...). My box never respond, always the same message. Is there a solution for my problem please ? Thank u in advance.
I have a DM 800hd clone with A2P sim convert to ferrari sim (bootloader 82a). My PC is on Windows 7. I used null modem cable.
RE: NO CA Found - I have tried everything - fairbird - 09-21-2013
Make new topic don't follow another one
and read this one first
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