Why choose Estar Sim Dm800se ???? - pop3happy - 03-27-2013
Why you need choose Estar sim Dm800se ??
1. Give 1% Units for free
2. Price is lowest
3. Can flash with OE2.0 images [Only registered and activated users can see links You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.]
4. We provide hardware and software service support. [Only registered and activated users can see links You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.]
5. Estar sim simcard is easy to use and safest sim.
RE: Why choose Estar Sim Dm800se ???? - pisces - 01-19-2015
i sent email in past but no reply from estar , if you are owner than please send me pm or any contact details because i am really in need, can buy up to 100pcs if good price.
Thank you