I want the plugin for old Images - younes_pro - 12-30-2013
the plugin doesn't work on my image.
I have DM800 HD, sim1, bootloader70, Gemini2 5.10;
Please make it work on my Dreambox, because the remote control of the old Webinterface doesn't work,
Please find Solve my problem,
RE: OpenWebif Ready To Install - fairbird - 12-31-2013
No way to work on old image old python....only for OE1.6 newest bootloader 82, 84...etc
RE: OpenWebif Ready To Install - fairbird - 01-02-2014
openwebif v3.3-r0
plugin in first post..
RE: OpenWebif Ready To Install - fairbird - 02-17-2014
openwebif v4.0 for oe1.6 & oe2.0
plugin in first post..
RE: OpenWebif Ready To Install - fairbird - 02-25-2014
openwebif v4.1 For OE 1.6 & 2.0
-add option to set authentication for streaming , Thx (plnick)
plugin in first post..
RE: OpenWebif Ready To Install - fairbird - 03-03-2014
openwebif v4.2
Code: grab: Don't invoke a shell
Pass arguments directly to the subprocess, and don't start a shell to
parse them first. This also prevents shell injection attacks, because
the arguments are passed on directly. It's also faster because it
avoids an exec call
Thx ( Mike Looijmans )
plugin in first post..
RE: OpenWebif Ready To Install - fuersorger - 05-27-2014
Hi, thankyou for you good work. I was install 4.2 on my DM800 clone Sim2.1. with Newenigma 3.222
OE 1.6 BL82
To the first it was an colekting Error by automatic install. So Iwas build out the file with 7zip and
install in the folder.
Now my question ! There was also a file named Read with python and dreamboxhardware for doing
in temp. It's right this Files are standing for ever in temp ? Or where I must do this? I don't unterstand !
Maybee some times its going stream the RTMPstream from Mediaportal over VLC?
Greetings. Frank
RE: OpenWebif Ready To Install - fairbird - 07-19-2015
Openwebif_4.3 OE 1.6 & 2.0
Download plugin from start topic
RE: OpenWebif Ready To Install - Jegor2014 - 10-15-2015
the same question as #27: where to place directory named Read with python and filedreamboxhardware.pyo?
RE: OpenWebif Ready To Install - fairbird - 10-20-2015
Don't extract (.nfi) compress file and send it manually ..
Send ipk file to /tmp and install from telnet (as first post what I was wrote that)