RE: What to try again - fairbird - 01-05-2013
Only "error" with out any things else ?
Any way try to open box remove sim, clean it, replace it again and make sure in correct area..and turn switch box on..
RE: What to try again - francomat - 01-07-2013
I clean the sim and
Now the Led is off and is off the screen.
I can access only with HyperTerminal :
"© 2007,2008 Dream Multimedia GmbH. All rights reserved.
Dreambox DM800
Second stage loader wasn't found. Don't panic - it's not a (real) problem.
You don't need to repair your Dreambox. It just means that the flashrom with
the graphical menu was erased. You can restore this with a tool like DreamUp
with serial access.
MICRO2ND OK, build #56 (20080115)"
RE: What to try again - fairbird - 01-07-2013
make sure you was replaced sim in correct area .... then try to flash box with new image by optiflasher advanced2
RE: What to try again - fairbird - 02-02-2013
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